Wednesday 26 August 2020

Catapult experiment

 A bit ago we made a catapult and did a challenge to see how far it would launch things

My Short Story - The Two Velonosaurs

 A while ago we made a short story within 500 to 700 words that had to have a kind of journey.

The Two Velonosaurs

He saw the giant creature and started running.  A long time ago there was a Velonosaur called Spikey that lived all by himself in a dark cave in a desert with lots of rocks and trees scattered around with a couple streams around the place. He was the last of his kind. He went out of his cave each day to get food, water and have a walk around. Most of the time he ate Dodos and went down to the stream to drink, though he did like Dodos they were a bit tough. But one day when he was walking around he came across a pack of allosaurus.

They chased him against a cliffside but he tried to keep on running and tried to get off the edge but the allosaurus pushed him back over the cliff edge. He fell and fell then hit the floor with a big THUMP.  As he started to wake up, his head hurt, everything was blurry and he had trouble getting up but he got up and his vision started to clear. He walked around a bit.  He was at the bottom of the cliff and saw a Yutyrannus- a big, fluffy

T Rex like dinosaur.  He kept his distance and saw a dark, wet cave so he walked in it. He thought it was a good place to sleep so he laid down and went to sleep.

 He woke up to a distress call from another velonosaur.  He quickly got up, and thought he was the last of his kind. He sprinted out of his cave as fast as lightning and tried to figure out where it was coming from. He figured out it was probably from the west back up on the cliffside.  Luckily, there was a path up.  He started running up the path to the top of the cliff. When he got up he started running to the west. After running for a bit he got to the other velonosaur. The velonosaur was asleep on the floor and there was a person with metal armour. Spikey tried to shoot at the person with his barbs that came out of his frill.  It worked but not very well.  Most of them just bounced off the person's armour. The person started shooting Spikey with tranquilizer darts. Spikey started to get tired and his vision went fuzzy. He ran off behind a rock to hide and he fell asleep.

Chapter 2

He woke up and the velonosaur and person was gone. He looked at the sand and saw footprints going north west so he followed them.  Eventually he got to a part with footprints going two ways.  One went to the lush side of the desert and one went to the dry and dead side of the desert.  He decided to go the lush way.

Half way through he saw a pack of raptors along the path and decided to get them out of the way and fought them.  Eventually he chased them away but they hurt his leg and he couldn't run anymore. Eventually he got to the gate and went through. He saw lots of dinosaurs including  even more Velonosaurs and the one that he saw before came up to it and pronounced 

“Hi, my name's Spiky, how did you get here?” in Velonosaur language.

The other one responded with  “Hi, my name's Spitty. I'm not too sure how I got here, all I remember is a person shooting me with tranquilizer darts and then everything went black.” Then Spikey whispered 

“ok we've gotta get out of here” and ran out with Spitty.

While they were walking home across the cliff edge they heard a big rumble and then a giant Monster appeared out of thin air. It looked like a giant flying manta ray. It had a small swarm of birds around it. They started to fly at top speed towards Spikey and Spitty.  They fought off the birds but they were tired then a lightning strike happened right next to them. They started to shoot the monster with their spikes and eventually it died. Then they said thanks to each other and went back to their cave.

I would of made the ending a bit longer but i ran out of words so i had to make it quick 

Forces And Motion DLO

Yesterday we learned about migrating birds using the magnetic field of the earth to find where there going. We all got to chose an animal that isn't a bird to make a google slide about.

Thursday 13 August 2020

Weather DLO

Friday 7 August 2020

Digital Technology Matariki Project - BlueBots And QR Codes

For Matariki we learnt about the stars. We made a special Bluebot mat. On the mat we had QR codes and when you scanned them  them you learnt about the stars. The kids had to code the Bluebots to get the QR codes. We learnt that there are nine stars in the cluster and that each star has its own name and something that its connected to like the sea or the weather.